Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Starting anew again

Today was the official start of our second year in Oklahoma. Its strange to think that a year has flown by so fast. It seems like only yesterday I was packing up the truck like the Beverly Hillbillies and riding with Mike halfway across the country. We have met some great people out here who have made our time away from home not feel so lonely.

I can already tell that this year is going to be different. I have gone from the young green grasshopper to the wise old owl. Instead of taking in all the information about policies, proceedures and general intramuralness, I'm the one who gets to teach the newbies.

Meaghan feels much more relaxed going into her second year of teaching. She knows the ropes and has a year of doing things all on her own to fall back on. We are both looking forward to another great year here in the middle of the country but can't wait to make the journey back east as well.
Its amazing to think where life takes you! Oh the possibilities!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hello Everyone

I've decided to become a blogger. I have really enjoyed keeping up with Jaclyn and now Julie's blogs and I thought that it would be a nice way to keep connected to everyone back home with one of my own. Now its not just a monoblog but a diablog. Look at me making up words.

Speaking of Jaclyn and Julie. Congrats to the new mom and aunt in my family and also to the proud papa and everyone else. Its really a special time and being far away makes me a little sad. I guess thats what the magic of the internet is for.

I'll have to find some spectacularly goofy pictures of Jaclyn to get back at her for the one that she posted of me. It was a very awkward time in my childhood and nobody warned me that it was not cool to have glasses the size of Alaska on a face the size of Rhode Island. I will find a suitable picture that captures Jaclyn's impecible taste in clothing, haircuts or something else equally embarrassing.

I'll make sure to post some updates about school and the whole wedding stuff as Meaghan gives me updates about what I will be doing that day.